1 Peter 2:25 For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

The problem of living to please ourselves is that we will follow our own ideas. Many times these ideas will lead us into trouble. Living to please ourselves and the desires that are compelled by sin within us will lead us down the path of self-destruction and slavery to sin. Peter compares people to sheep who wander off. They do not pay attention to their shepherd but continue on their merry way. This can lead to danger, from wolves or deep holes. Wandering from our Good Shepherd may also put us in the danger of people out to hurt and deceive us. We may also end up in a deep hole of unhealthy habits or broken relationships.

The key word in this verse is “return,” which means a change of direction or mindset. We must change the way we think so that we change the way we act. We must also watch where we go so that we are not tempted to change our thinking. We must return to the one who created us and redeemed us.

Jesus is the Shepherd who looks out for his sheep (John 10). He watches over our souls for our well being. He has our best in mind. He has the responsibility for us. We can be safe in his protection if we return to the safety of his presence. Wandering away on our own will lead to spiritual danger, trouble, temptation, and sin. He is our “supervisor” who leads us to paths of righteousness for his name’s sake (Psalm 23).

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