1 Peter 4:4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.

Peter tells his readers what to expect when they begin to change into the likeness of the Holy God (see 1 Peter 1:15-16). Those who live in darkness do not like their deeds exposed because they have to acknowledge a law higher than themselves. In many cultures today, the postmodern mindset is that truth and right are relative to each person. In the name of freedom, people claim that they can do whatever they want. They are a law unto themselves. The outcome of this way of thinking affects morality. When people live without regard to God or God’s righteous law, they will be inclined to follow the way of the sinful nature which enslaves our flesh. The more extreme result is reckless and wild living. The more subtle result will be pride and selfishness. People living in rebellion against God will also reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit who will speak to their consciences. Paul writes in Romans 2 how Jews have the written law to convict them and Gentiles have the revelation of nature and reason to convict them. Believers serve as a prick to the conscience by being light shining on the darkness. Sometimes, unbelievers do not like this. They do not like someone different, who does not conform to culture, who does not participate in the activities that bring pleasure. In our day, this is expressed as “political correctness.” Those who live by their convictions are often ridiculed for not conforming to the politically correct words or behaviors. The outcome of this is that believers may experience suffering and persecution. Minimally, this will be in the form of verbal abuse but may even include physical abuse. But God gives grace to us in those difficult moments.

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