1 Peter 4:16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.

Shame is a powerful cultural force that compels people to act in certain ways. It is part of every culture. Shame is a result of the sin inherited from Adam and Eve. We are shamed before God which leads to shame before other people. Jesus’ sacrifice, example, and presence reverse this shame. Through Jesus, we are saved from our shame before God. This gives us confidence to come to God boldly in prayer. This confidence builds hope and assurance in our lives. The result is that we will feel more confident in the world around us. Since our shame is removed before God, why should we experience shame in the world? No matter what people do to us, our faith in God and the hope of salvation are solidly planted in our lives. Bearing the name of Christ should be a badge of honor that the world cannot take away, because it is seared into our hearts and evident for all to see in how we act.

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