James 2:26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Faith is made alive by works. Faith without works is dead. This is James’ concluding thought in this chapter before he moves on to the new topic of teaching in chapter 3. This statement is a form of summary. It is the key idea. It shows the link between faith and obedience. We must interpret the word “works” in the context of James’ letter, and not compare it to Paul’s letter to the Galatians in which Paul is dealing with a different issue. Paul’s purpose is to show that works of the law cannot make us right with God because of the power of sin. We cannot make ourselves good enough before God to merit eternal life. James, however, is showing that believers must live out their faith by obedience to the law of love, especially by caring for those who are poor, widowed, and orphaned; basically, those who have no one else to help them and who cannot help themselves. Faith is shown by being Christlike. If we only have a confession of faith that we made as a child, or we were baptized into the Christian faith, but then have no evidence of consistent obedience, then we do not really have faith. Sadly, there are a lot of “social Christians” who say they are Christian but give no evidence of this faith. Those who study trends have suggested that the dropping of attendance in north American churches is due to the drop out of social Christians who are not really committed. There may be truth to this. Each person will have to give an account for his or her lack of faith. May we consider James’ admonition with seriousness and live out our faith through actions.

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