James 3:5b-6 See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.

James gives another illustration about the tongue. The reader gets the idea that James’ sermons and teaching are full of illustrations. He learned from the best Teacher how to preach and teach. We can learn a lesson from that. This illustration is more active in the sense that things destructive can happen with what we say. If our hearts are not right (see yesterday’s devotion), what we say can produce destruction in relationships and persons around us. The tongue (what we say) is only a mirror of our nature (inner person). It reveals what our thinking is. If course joking, gossip, belittling, angry words, and many other negative things come our of our mouth, then this reveals the condition of our hearts. Sadly, there is enough evidence that many so-called Christians have very dark hearts. These Christians may say they believe, but their actions betray their weak faith. Their faith is dead without evidence of change. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our speech. It is up to us then to create new patterns and habits of talking. The Holy Spirit will give us strength in this and remind us before we say something. We can develop the habit of listening to our conscience and the promptings of the Spirit. This is the case in all we do, verbal and non-verbal. We must ask ourselves deep questions if our speech is not wholesome and builds others up. What is causing the problem? Is it sin? Likely, although we will find excuses to soften this assessment. Is it old habits of talking? We must create new habits or just shut our mouths. It is better to remain silent than to say something harmful to others. Silence is a good option.

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