Hebrews 2:5 It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking.
Angels have a ministry in this world and in heaven, but their ministry is limited to God’s specific plans and designs. Angels are basically “messengers” who do God’s bidding. They are often the beings who do God’s will among people. In the Old Testament, they bring messages to people and represent God’s presence. God is holy and beyond creation. God enters creation through angels. In some places in the Old Testament, when an angel speaks, it is God speaking and not the angel (such as the burning bush, called the angel of the theophany). The angels role in the new world to come will be limited because of the role of the Son. There were people in the ancient world, even Jews, who worshipped the angels or at least gave them too much honor and power. The same is true today. People misunderstand the role and power of angels. The popular idea is that each person has a devil and angel on his or her should whispering the right things to do or giving temptations. I don’t know how much that is true based no the Bible. We must put angels in the right place when it comes to God’s plan. The author of Hebrews tells us that angels fall below the Son. They do the bidding of the Son. The Son is the exalted one because he gave himself in suffering to the point of death. Angels have not died for us. They are only the messengers of God and not God.
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