John 10:10 10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came in order that they may have life and have it abundantly.

This well-known verse restates the two directions a person can go and the outcome of that decision. First is the negative. The thief represents those who think they are religious but have rejected the truth found in Jesus. The three images of steal, kill, and destroy reflect the deception and intent of thieves. Not everyone who leads in the wrong way intentionally goes out to hurt people. In fact, often their motives are good. The problem is that they have been deceived themselves by Satan (2 Timothy 3:13). The outcome of following the wrong teachings will be judgment.

The only way to life is through Jesus, who has revealed the truth about God’s will and purpose for humanity. The reason Jesus came to earth was so that people might experience eternal life. The abundant life for a sheep would be green pasture, safety, and the freedom to graze and mingle with other sheep. In today’s terms, we might compare a family pet who has all it wants with food, companionship, exercise, and no worries from predators or enemies. The implication of Jesus’ statement is that this life is spiritual in nature but affects our whole existence. Life in him is a place of love, peace, wholeness, and purpose. This life begins on earth, where we get a foretaste of heaven. As the shepherd, Jesus keeps us safe from the things in this earthly lifetime that seek to steal our peace and hope, kill our spirit, or destroy our relationships.

The new spiritual life we receive will impact every other aspect of our existence. We should not interpret this verse to mean that we will have health, wealth, and prosperity. Those may indeed come in the form of blessings with the new life in Jesus, but they are not what this life is about. The rain falls on the just and unjust, on those with eternal life, and on those facing judgment. The life Jesus talks about is one that grows and bears fruit through the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Jesus talks more about this life in chapter 15.

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