John 10:17-18 17For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order that I may take it up again. 18No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father.”
The reason or basis for how the shepherd knows and cares for the sheep is because of the love between Father and Son. This theological claim is significant and at the heart of the Christian message. Everything about our faith and life comes as a result of God’s love. This love is most powerfully experienced and vividely seen in the revelation of Jesus. The last part of verse 17 beginning with because . . . connects with love to Jesus’ death and resurrection. The proof of the Father’s love for Jesus was shown by Jesus’ obedience even to death on the cross. As the perfect sacrificial Lamb, Jesus demonstrated the Father’s love for the world, both Israel and Gentiles. The last clause of the verse shows purpose. The reason Jesus gave his life on the cross was so that he would rise from the dead, thus proving everything he said and did. Resurrection was the proof and confirmation of the Father’s love and the Son’s obedience.
Verse 18 stresses Jesus’ complete obedience and willingness to face the suffering that lay ahead. The verse shows that it was not the Jews or Romans who would kill kim, but he willingly went to the cross. He could have walked away numerous times. An old hymn claims that he could have called ten thousand angels to come to his rescue, but he did not. He suffered alone, with all his disciples fleeing while he had to face his trial and interrogation alone. The various authorities involved in his condemnation only did what they did because God had already foreordained and allowed it. The Father had a plan in sending the Son expressed with the word command, which emphasizes again the perfect obedience of the Son.
The cross and resurrection were not mistakes, accidents, or because of religious or political forces. The grand event of redemption history came because it was planned, foretold, and carried out according to God’s will. Jesus, as the good shepherd, came in order to lay his life down for the sheep as an expression of love and ultimate care. But the good news is that in laying down his life, he also had the power, because of his perfect obedience, to take his life up again. His sinlessness qualified him for resurrection.
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