John 17:24 24Father, the ones you have given me, I want that where I am they may also be with me, in order that they may see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.

As Jesus ends his prayer, he gives his greatest hope for his disciples and all who would follow after them.  Verse 24 expresses our ultimate and final goal: to be with Jesus and experience his glory. Jesus was soon going to return to full glory at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Moses asked to see God’s glory in Exodus 33:18, but God’s glory was so overwhelming that Moses only saw its fading presence while he was hidden behind a rock. The disciples had experienced God’s glory in human flesh, but even this was limited by the created order. The “signs” and miracles recorded in John’s Gospel reveal the glory of Jesus. The eternal kingdom of God was breaking into the created order through those miracles. The glory of the resurrected and exalted Christ will be both overwelming, so that every knee will bow and tongue confes that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11), and approachable because we will be able to see him as he is (1 John 3:3).

Jesus indirectly asks the Father as a statement of wish or desire (thelō ) that the disciples would one day join him. He does not specifically name the place, but it will be where his glory is on full display, namely, heaven. To go to heaven requires going through the one Way, Jesus, by believing in him and that he is the true revelation from God. There are many claims to divine revelation in our day and in past centuries. All of these “fake Christs” claim to have the ultimate or final truth, but all are mistaken because only the true Messiah has the glory of God.

The source of Jesus’ glorification and the disciples’ ability to participate in it is because of the Father’s love for the Son before creation. God did not come up with his plan of redemption after Adam and Eve fell into sin. God’s plan was already prepared before the Word was spoken to bring creation into existence. The eternal love between Father and Son is beyond human comprehension but is what caused all that exists or ever exists to be created. When the Word spoke creation into being, that speaking was done because of God’s love. This same unfathomable and incomprehensible love is working in believers’ lives to help us experience the glory of Christ in every increasing degree in this lifetime until someday, we will experience it in full around the majestic throne of God.

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