1 Peter 2:16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.

We are free in Christ and through Christ even though we may be bound by various things in this world. Poverty, illness, modern slavery, poor wages, unequally yoked marriages, abusive relationship, and many other things bind people into slavery today. Yet, in many places of the world, people are experiencing new opportunities and increased freedoms. The economic situation in some countries is developing, at least for some of the populations. With increased freedoms comes more temptations. Even as modern slaves, people can have a spiritual freedom that cannot be taken away. Peter warns his readers about the danger of the temptations to do evil. We live by a higher calling. Like Paul’s descriptions in Romans 6, Peter says there is a new freedom through a new slavery. But this is not a freedom to do as we please to satisfy fleshly living. This is a strong sense of obligation to live as obedient people. Faith should lead to obedience because our master is God.

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