James 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

There are two types of responses that we can give to the people around us. We can either judge them or show mercy to them. Under both of these ideas a long list of cognate ideas can be added. Here are a few suggestions to illustrate this idea:




Feeling superior

Cultural insensitivity






The affect of judgment is often separation in relationship. It is difficult to love when we judge others. Judging is always based on a law. This law may be unstated. In some cases, especially in relationships, this law is our worldview or values. If our values are determined by the world, then our judgment will be according to outer circumstances that are praised in the world: wealth, certain physical appearances, position, and so on. Showing mercy, however, involves following a different law, namely the law of love. Love that comes from God accepts people unconditionally, no matter what they look like, how much money they have, and even what types of behavior or choices they make. This type of mercy can come in completion only through the Holy Spirit’s filling and guidance our thinking.

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