James 5:17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.

People pray all the time, especially in emergencies. We often hear, “I will pray for you.” Does prayer make a difference? That depends on several factors. One is if the prayer is in alignment with God’s will or purpose for a situation. Are we praying “in Jesus’ name,” which means, is our prayer honoring Jesus and towards fulfilling Jesus’ mission on earth? Sometimes prayers are selfish and fulfill our own prideful desires. Second, what is the condition of our heart or soul? Do we have bitterness towards another person? Is here unconfessed sin? In the previous verse, James states that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Why? Because that person has nothing to hide from God and has uncompromised faith in God. Such a person lives in obedience. These qualities show that the person is intend to God’s will and prays in Jesus’ name. James uses Elijah as an example of this type of person. Elijah was a righteous person who trusted in God in the midst of very difficult situations. He was not perfect and had his moments of doubt, frustration, and weakness. That should help us realize that being a weak human is OK. We realize that it is God’s power and not the power of our prayer that brings healing. We simply come in humility and ask God to work in a situation.

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