John 15:7-8 7If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8In this my Father is glorified, in order that you bear much fruit and show to be my disciples.

Jesus gives another conditional situation with a promise. The positive verse 7 is in contrast to the negative verse 6. The easy mistake to make in interpreting verse 7 is to interpret it out of its context and think that we, as Christians, can “name it and claim it” in our prayers and basically corner God and force God to answer our prayers, which often are selfish in nature. The word whatever is emphasized to the point of asking for health, wealth, and prosperity. If the sequence of this passage is closely examined, there is another, more significant message here.

If a person is in a relationship with Jesus through faith and obeys his words, the prayers of that person will be answered. Just as Jesus was obedient in all things and his prayers were answered, so the disciple also must be obedient in all things. Obedience to Jesus means that the disciple is following God’s will because Jesus revealed and taught the Father’s will. God’s will is not something to search for because it has already been revealed in Jesus. The key to answered prayer is a relationship of faith and obedience. Faith is in Jesus, and obedience is to his commands, especially the command to love and everything that flows from this core principle.

The whatever in our prayers will glorify the Father because we trust in Jesus and follow his commands. The fruit that will be born results from believing in Jesus and acting in accordance with this faith. Fruit comes when a person trusts in what Jesus revealed in his life, death, and resurrection. It is through the Son that the Father is glorified. We glorify God through believing and obeying Jesus. Proof of discipleship is in the bearing of fruit. There is no fruit when a person does not honor and obey Jesus as the Son of God.

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