Luke 21:29-33 29And he told a parable to them. “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30As soon as they come out in leaf, swing for yourselves you know that the summer is already near. 31So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 32Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all these things happen. 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 

The following parable illustrates the need to look at the signs of the times and be prepared. It is easy for most people to understand this short illustration. The parable focuses on trees, with special attention on the fig tree. A fig tree, like most other trees, gives signs that the seasons are changing. As the weather shifts from the coolness of the Middle Eastern winter to the warmer summer, the fig tree will send out buds. Deciduous trees of the northern or far southern climates lose their leaves in winter. As spring nears, even without a noticeable change in temperature, the trees indicate by the emergence of buds that soon it will be warm.

The application of the parable begins in verse 31. There are several challenging statements to interpret in the following verses. The first is the meaning of these things in verse 31. The challenge is how far back the reference goes. The most obvious antecedent is the previous events of verses 25-28. A second but less likely referent could be the description of the fall of Jerusalem in verses 5-24. A second challenge influences the interpretation of the first one and focuses on the meaning of this generation in verse 32. Several options have been debated. If these things refer to the events around the fall of Jerusalem, then this generation refers to the one present when Jesus was teaching. Those alive in AD 30 would still be around when the events would take place. If these things refer the events just before Jesus returns at the end of the age, then as the signs begin to unfold, that generation would continue to be around until Jesus actually comes again. This second interpretation has been popular among many contemporary “prophecy preachers.”

There are two outcomes to these signs that should give believers assurance. When they see events happen like what Jesus describes, first, they can know that God’s kingdom is near. The second coming of Jesus would also be the coming of God’s kingdom in fullness. The kingdom is breaking into this world more and more as the gospel message is proclaimed and people come to believe in it. Second, they can be assured that Jesus’ words are true and reliable. The promises he made in his teaching will come true. Knowing and believing in the truth of Jesus’ teaching will give hope to believers, who may be going to suffering, persecution, or be tempted by doubt and fear. Rather than letting “end time predictions” scare us, we should see what God is doing and how nature is responding and so prepare ourselves through obedience for Jesus’ coming again.

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