1 Peter 3:17 For it is better, if it is God’s will,to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

We like to take the route of least resistance, particularly when it comes to suffering and pain. Persecution at any level (slight verbal ridicule to outright physical pain) presents believers with temptation. The temptation is to take the easier way of the world. This might mean laughing along with the bad jokes, going to places that are not pleasing to God in order that we might fit in, hiding our faith behind the mask of parents, tradition, or going to church, or many other compromises. We would rather fit in to the crowd than stand out as different. The power of shame is strong in these situations. Following this route of compromise will lower our chances of suffering. To go the opposite way, to follow the road less traveled, to go against culture or friends, may be difficult and even suffering. But this way is better because we are following God’s will for us, which is our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3). The call to be holy may be and most likely will be counter cultural. It will create tension for us in our families, schools, work places, and wider society. God will not leave us alone during those moments. God will strengthen our faith and help our character to grow.

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