1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

Peter continues a series of simple commands that challenge the readers to fully rely on God in faith. In this verse, faith is demonstrated by having a clear mind and being aware of the devil’s schemes. When we walk with God in humility and obedience, our faith in God is strengthened. Being alert and clear minded is not a matter only of human intellect or ability. The devil can trick intellectuals and people with high IQs. The type of mind we must have is the mind of Christ that is fully committed in love to God and love to others. If we become lazy in our thinking, we will be easily fooled by the world around us, which the devil will use to deceive us. Eve was deceived and Adam was not thinking clearly because they took their eyes off of God and began to look at the delicious fruit on the tree. This can happen to us as well if we are not alert. We become soft to temptation when we become pre-occupied with things of this world: the stuff and business of life.

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