1 Peter 5:11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

God’s power is available to us in Christ and experienced through the presence of the Holy Spirit. We must recognize with Peter that all power is derived from God. Any so-called power and ability we experience in this world is only a gift from God through grace. Pride tells us that we are able to make our own decisions and get ahead in life. That is the perception of the world around us. However, as we often see, the rich and powerful can quickly be made nothing. If all is from God, why spend our lifetimes trying to accumulate it? If it all goes to nothing and we die like we came into the world, why fight so hard to get ahead and be number one? When we put God first in our lives, we begin to realize that what we have is a gift of God’s grace. This includes the material things but also the opportunities we have to grow. Putting God first is an act of faith. Faith is the key quality we must have to endure this life and come out victorious in the end.

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