James 1:9 Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation,

For many people in this world, being exalted or praised by others is a reason for boasting. This is evident in social media like Facebook. The way of God’s kingdom is opposite. Those who are last are put first. Those who serve are praised. Those who follow the way of the cross find life. James calls his readers, many of whom would have been rejected by society, to realize that they are exalted in God’s eyes. The “lowly brother” here would particularly refer to poor believers. Many of the first Christians were poor. Being poor is a relative concept and depends on circumstances. Poor is basically not having a surplus of material goods sufficient to care for one’s self or family. This will depend a lot on the local economy. Some people think of themselves as poor but they actually have all they need, just not perhaps all they want.

Praise can be a tricky thing because it fuels human pride. Even those who are economically deprived may be prideful in their low position in society. Being “low” can be a way God uses to teach us humility and dependence. Humility is not dependent upon economic status but upon attitude and position before God. Being poor may open us to receive more of God’s grace because we are more dependent upon God and not anything we can get in this world. There just are not many options. But pride will attack even the lowest, so we must seek God in dedicated worship and humility.

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