James 1:15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

The desires we have because of our past decisions and the influences upon our lives will lead to temptation, which is an open door to sin. Certain activities will embed themselves in our memories. Some of these activities can have lasting affect upon us by creating desires over time. This time can be short or long. It all begins with a thought. As we dwell upon unhealthy or unholy thoughts, our minds may begin to imagine or fantasize about something. If left unchecked, these thoughts may lead to willful action, or sin. As both James and Paul (Romans 6:23) state, the outcome of sin is death. James mentions here “fully grown” sin. We must stay away from any sin, because sin puts a barrier between us and God because we reject God and pursue selfish ends. Small, hidden, or insignificant sins may lead to others that can affect us or others in big ways. These sins can become habits instead of hiccups, setting patterns and directions for our lives. The answer is to reject sin by calling on God for help. We must fight for our lives and fall before God in humility, seeking God’s forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9).

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