James 1:20  for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

There are few positive outcomes of anger. Most of the time when we are angry, we end up hurting others or ourselves. We may make the argument that “righteous” anger is acceptable. Righteous anger is where we react to injustice in order to bring about positive change that coheres with God’s character. To be honest, very little of our anger is righteous, and perhaps we need more of this type of anger in the world. Most of our anger is self-focused and self-serving. We react because something or someone has threatened us (in an argument) or caused us discomfort (like hitting your knuckle when working on a car). How does this natural, instinctive anger not lead to the righteousness of God? God’s righteousness should lead to positive change in this world, where injustice is made right, the abused find healing, the hungry are fed, the sinful are forgiven, and love is lived out in holy obedience. If our anger produces these things, then it is “righteous” anger. But if it does not, then it is the wrong type of anger. We as the angry persons must seek the forgiveness of God and the forgiveness of any people we have harmed because of our negative and often hurtful responses to them. O God, grant me the strength to respond to the challenges around me in such a way that you are honored and your righteousness is seen and done.

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