James 2:15-16 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?

James now applies the principle that has been guiding his thoughts for most of this chapter. We must put our faith into practice in tangible ways. Faith must lead to obedience, otherwise it is not genuine faith. What good is a faith that says one thing but does another? Our love must be unconditional if it is to be modeled after God’s love. God gives because God loves. Each of us is in great need of God’s love, compassion, and grace. There are people around us in the same situation who need love, compassion, and grace. I live in Metro Manila, a city of massive needs. Poverty is just down the street or across the wall. I cannot feed or cloth the whole city or even a few people. The needs of modern cities like this are overwhelming, both for governments and churches. I begin to think, what difference can I make in such a situation like this? It creates an ethical dilemma for me. My heart says one thing but I do not act on my heart. This dilemma sometimes occurs as I drive down the road and stop at the light. People often come up to my car window and tap, asking for a handout. I still feel convicted about not helping a disabled man a few weeks ago.

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