James 2:19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

Intellectual belief in God is not enough. According to a Gallup poll, 89% of Americans believe in God. But if you look at their practices, there is no evidence of this. In fact, what I read in the news is politicians voting to kill unborn babies, rampant promiscuity, broken marriages, climbing addictions, unconcern for the poor and needy, taking God out of schools and anything in public, and many other social ills. In a situation like this, and it is similar in other places in the world, we must ask, What God do people believe in? It is surely not the one true God of the Bible. James reminds his readers that true faith in God is shown in obedience to what God says. This is not legalistic obedience but obedience that springs from relationship and genuine trust. Even demons shudder in recognition of God. They have an intellectual awareness of the almighty God but they are so fallen in their rejection of God that they do not act on this awareness. The sad thing is when people reach this point. There are many of the above 89% of have done this and have no better faith than demons. They say they believe in God but live in open rebellion against God. This goes beyond what Paul describes in Romans 1:18-32. There are two essential questions about this idea:

  1. How does one get to this point? This happens through listening to the ways of the world and not to the Holy Spirit who will speak to us through many things: our conscience, good things in culture, believers, the Bible, and so on. People will reject the light and descend into self and sin. They may profess a belief, hoping that this will be insurance for eternal life, but they are sadly mistaken. Faith without obedience and action is dead. There is no eternal life in such intellectual thoughts.
  2. How does one reverse direction and have genuine faith? The first step is simply to acknowledge the love and grace of God through Jesus Christ. This faith is living faith, even though it is simple. It is enough faith for eternity. As one grows in this faith, the Holy Spirit begins to grow with a person a desire to follow the teachings of Jesus. One starts the journey of discipleship. Discipleship will demand more and more obedience but also provide more and more life on this earth until one is consumed by the life of Christ within and without. This is transformation and this is God’s purpose for us in this life.

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