James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

James now gives the solution to the problem he has been talking about, of allowing the world to entice us and being deceived by our passions. Sin is a universal human problem (Romans 3:23). The good news comes in two ways. First, God’s grace and forgiveness are available. His grace is beyond measure, as the hymn writer noted (“He Giveth More Grace”). “Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds” (Romans 5:20). It goes beyond our deepest and darkest sin. Second, we must respond to God’s offer of grace. Forgiveness is not unconditional. To receive God’s forgiveness requires humility. Humility requires several things. On the negative side, it requires the acknowledgement of our sin and dependency upon God. On the positive side, it requires that we come to God in worship, acknowledging God’s supremacy. This grace must be allowed to work in our lives leading to obedience that demonstrates that we do believe. Some places in the Bible refer to this as repentance, a turning away from sin. Repentance and obedience are essentially the same things. God does His part, if we will only do our part. James is calling for his readers to do their part by forsaking friendship with the world and replacing it with devotion to God.

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