2 Peter 1:1 Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

Peter is given as the author of this letter. This is the second canonical letter attributed to Peter. Simeon is a variation of Simon, which some ancient manuscripts give. This was his given name. Peter, meaning “rock,”  is the nickname Jesus gave him (Matthew 16:18). Peter calls himself a “servant” or “slave” of Jesus. The implication is that Jesus was his Master and Lord. Peter had bonded himself to Jesus to carry out the mission of apostleship that Jesus had given him. As apostle, Peter was “sent into” the world as a witness of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection (Acts 1:8).

The translation of the rest of the verse is challenging. Literally, it is “to those who have received an equally valued faith in the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ.” The faith of the recipients is equal the the faith of Peter. Peter received his faith from Jesus himself. The readers of the letter received their faith second hand through Peter and other apostles and witnesses. The goal of this faith is the same: to receive righteousness from God. This righteousness restores relationship with God and results in obedience. this is the first major topic Peter will take up beginning in verse 3. Often the introduction to letters give clues to some of the key ideas to be discussed later on. Righteousness through faith will be one of the key topics.

Another interesting phrase in this opening verse is “of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” The question is whether this is one person, designating Jesus as God, or as two persons. In other letters of the New Testament, we usually see two persons designated. What is clear is that righteousness comes from both persons. God is the author of salvation and Jesus is the one who brought it to humanity.

Peter writes to those who received

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