2 Peter 1:9 For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.

If we are not moving forward in our faith and changing into the divine image in the likeness of Jesus Christ, we are neglecting the greatest opportunity in life. Peter calls people who do this “nearsighted” and “blind.” They can’t see beyond their own concerns and selfishness. They do not see what God wants to do in their lives. They have closed themselves to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The issue Peter focused in on are those Christians who fail to go on to maturity. These people believe in Jesus. They have experienced salvation. But they fail to continue to grow their faith. They stay as babies, just like the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. At some point, unless faith is allowed to grow, love will not be empowered and God’s purpose and design for us in this life will not be experienced. The problem is forgetting what God has already done for such a person. We must keep the memory of our salvation alive through consciously developing our faith your faith into virtue into knowledge into self-control into steadfastness into godliness into affection into love. Each of these will grow us into the divine image. We keep this in mind through relationship building through prayer, scripture study, and fellowship.

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