2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

Here is the answer for so much of life’s problems given in the last verse of this letter. As participants in the race of life with the readers of this letter, we must grow in two things: grace and knowledge. The word “grow” provides a power image. In biology, if something is not growing, it is beginning to die. The same idea is true in our spiritual lives. If we are not growing into the divine image (1 Peter 1:4), then how are we growing? We are growing more like the fallen and decaying world around us. This world is full of deception, trickery, and sin. It offers worldviews and values that are contrary to God’s holy and loving nature. Its pull through temptation is substantial and subtle. We must be moving forward, otherwise, we will be moving backwards. God gives us two tools to help us on this journey. The first is his grace. We are not left along to do this on our own strength. God’s grace of mercy, strength, hope and many other gifts fill in our weak areas. The Holy Spirit reminds us of God’s promises and this renews our strength for the battle. We also need knowledge. Study is a big theme throughout the Bible. Those who fail to know God’s laws and the history of salvation can be easily deceived by false teachings. Gaining knowledge is not easy but takes hard work. It is a lifetime endeavor. Knowledge can grow little by little. Not everyone will be a scholar, but most people can learn something new each day. The focus of this knowledge is “our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” This knowledge will help us become more like him as we study his teachings, ministry, life, and those who have interpreted these in the Bible and throughout history. After reading this last verse, it would be helpful to reread the first chapter again. Peter starts his letter with the goal and then writes about the obstacles that keep us from this goal.

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