Hebrews 2:18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Temptation is never easy if we take our faith seriously. Temptation brings difficult choices, otherwise it would not really be temptation. The author tells his readers that Jesus suffered because of his temptations. His temptations were real, genuine, tests of his faith and reliance on the Father. His temptations were not theory or intellectual debates but were serious challenges that opened the way for him to disobey.  It is helpful for us to reflect on the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert found in the Gospels Matthew 4:1-11). Temptations may sometimes tempt us in physical ways (bread), self-preservation and our “rights,” and our priorities and who or what we will worship. Jesus set the example for us of victory through temptation. How was he victorious? He trusted completed in the Father and God’s words recorded in Scripture. Since the Holy Spirit was with Jesus (Matthew 4:1), the Spirit was guiding him in his weakest moments.

Jesus as the perfect high priest has been where we are. He has faced the basic types of issues we face (physical, volitional, spiritual). We can trust in him to help us through these times. How do we do this? First, we must put our attention, focus, and worship to him and not let the distractions of life pull us away. Second, we need to communicate with him through prayer. Three, we need to lean on the strength of his people to hold us up in our weakness. Fourth, we need to trust in his promises and obey his commands so that our paths will be clear.

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