Romans 8:22-23 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

I do not know from personal experience “the pains of childbirth,” but this vivid image conjures in my mind the pain that comes before the joy a new mother expresses at the birth of her child. Creation is going through the period of “groaning.” This pains seem to increase over time with the growth and abuse of humanity. “Global warming” is only a sigh in this groaning. As believers, we join in this time of anticipation and experience these pains in several ways. One is common to all believers and that is the struggle against the pulls and temptations of the flesh. Paul hints at that in v. 23 with the redemption of our bodies. Related to this are the pains we suffer more specifically for our faith through the stresses of being a believer in an ungodly world. This suffering can advance to the point of persecution. For some reason, the world of unbelievers hate Christians. The battle between good and bad is evident on many levels. It is often cloaked in terms of “freedom,” but the darkness advances its agenda to the detriment of those who love the light.

The presence of the Holy Spirit in us gives us the foretaste or “first fruits” guarantee that there is something greater beyond the struggles of this life. We have been given new life, and this life begins while our physical bodies are still alive. The Holy Spirit’s presence does not necessarily affect us physically, since all humans suffer pain, disease, and death. But the Spirit gives us a deep and profound hope that outlasts the grave. We have hope for resurrection when our adoption is finalized and confirmed. Our response meanwhile is to have faith. Don’t give up on the promises but hold true to what the gospel declares.

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