Romans 16:19 For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.

The Roman Christians had developed a reputation for obedience. Paul does not say to what or to whom they were obedient, but the implication is that they have been obedient to God. The unstated assumption is that they will read this letter carefully and make the necessary changes in their lives to what the Holy Spirit was teaching them about the new life in Christ. Knowing that they will continue down the same path of righteousness brings Paul joy. But he also add the warning in the last half of the verse. They could not just coast along and expect victory to come by being passive. Rather, they needed to be aware of the dangers of evil and the temptations of the flesh and to pursue with all their strength the path of righteousness and goodness. To be “wise” for the good requires looking for it, thinking about it, and then choosing it. To be “innocent” to evil requires not becoming involved in it by avoiding it at all costs. God told Adam and Eve to stay away from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating the forbidden fruit would make them away of evil and allow it to come into their lives. We also must stay away from evil. Don’t even dabble in it or study it because it will work its ways into our lives. Rather, we should focus our lives on what is good. Study what is good and devote our energies–physical, mental, and spiritual–on the good. Goodness is one of the fruits of the Spirit. The Spirit will guide us into what is good. A life that pursues good is one of joy and peace and prosperity.

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