2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

God is the one who initiates salvation. This verse speaks of God’s prevenient grace. This grace comes to us and shines light into the darkness of our souls. We by ourselves and by our own efforts are lost in the darkness of sin. The only way out of this darkness is by the light of God’s grace. We see the very power of the Creator here. The same word that spoke light into existence is the same word that speaks into the darkness of our lives.

Paul connects this light to knowledge, not in a Gnostic way or with intellect or with special and secret revelations, but through incarnation. God came in Christ and revealed his light. This light is specifically the knowledge of glory. This is the 15th time Paul has used the word “glory” in this letter. Obviously it is a key idea for him. He also uses this word a lot in Romans, a letter which he likely wrote while in Corinth. So, the Corinthians have been exposed to this idea in numerous ways and times. It explains a lot about his thinking and theology. To experience the glory of God is our goal. To be in God’s presence, just like Moses, is what humans were created for. It is beyond our imagination. It will be completing God’s plan and design for us. This glory can be experienced only through knowledge of Christ. This is experiential knowledge that comes in relationship. We must see the face of Christ. Obviously, we cannot do that literally but we can look spiritually and through God’s revealed words in the Bible. We can also see Christ in other people. If we seek him, he can be found.

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