Ephesians 1:2 2Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is Paul’s typical greeting at the beginning of his letters. This may have been his common greeting even in person. These words had become part of who he was as an apostle of Christ Jesus. This statement of greeting is simple but significant. The word grace is related to the typical Greek greeting of “be happy,” “rejoice,” “I hope everything is going well for you.” Grace embodies all that God offers to us through the sacrifice of the cross and the power of resurrection. Grace is the deep need of a rebellious humanity that has turned away from God and God’s commands and turned in on itself in pride, arrogance, and self-pleasure. Grace is the power of God that restores us to wholeness. All grace is mediated and sourced through God the Son.

Peace was the typical greeting among Jews. It was also a well-wish that all is in its proper place in a person’s life. Peace results when struggles and stress are resolved and there is a sense of rest. The world seeks this peace but does not know where to find it. Any source of peace offered in this world is only temporary and insufficient. The only genuine and lasting source of peace comes from God who can make all things well and whole. A person experiences peace through the working of the Holy Spirit within a person who obeys and the leading of the Spirit and walks in obedient faith. The first and most significant place we need peace is in our relationship with God, and this comes only through Jesus Christ who removes the stain and penalty of sin and brings righteousness and holiness to us (Romans 5:1).

Both of these come from both God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.. The Father is the source and Jesus is the instrument by which we experience grace and peace. We become the children of God through faith in Christ. We are adopted into God’s family and this results in a new intimacy and relationship. God as Father is our source and authority. Jesus’ resurrection showed him to be Lord. His sovereignty as the King of kings and Lord of Lords is proclaimed throughout the New Testament. He is the voice and word from God that brought all things into existence. As the ultimate sovereign, he is qualified and able to grant grace and peace to those who put themselves under his care.

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