Ephesians 2:16 16and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.

Paul has clearly shown through through theological argumentation that both Jews and Gentiles come to God through grace by faith in Christ.  As Paul lays out in Romans 1-3, both Jews and Gentiles have sinned and become enemies of God through rebellion and transgression (Romans 3:23). Sin alienates us from God and from other people. Sin is primarily seen in a lack of love for God and love for others.  Selfishness usually manifests itself in hostile and broken relationships.

Everyone needs the reconciliation and peace that comes through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1-10). Reconciliation is the result of removing the separation and enmity between two parties, resulting in peace and restored relationship. In our relationship with God, God takes the initiative and extends the offer. We each must accept that offer through faith and then walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit.

The result of God’s initiative is the creation of a new people, one body. Believers have a new identity that is found in Jesus Christ and not the world and anything created. This is the exceedingly difficult shift to make. It cannot be made by merely human effort but only in cooperation with God’s grace through the cross. The only way we can overcome sin and experience God’s plan for us is by accepting the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Jesus stands at the center of this letter and is the answer for the deepest and most difficult of human needs. Through the cross, the hostility between us and God and us with one another is removed and replaced by love. Paul will add the idea of love later in the letter.

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