Ephesians 2:19 19Therefore then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

In Christ a new people of God are created. Those who used to be both far and near are brought together as one. It is more obvious that the Gentiles were strangers and aliens of God’s promises, but so were the Jews because of their sins and transgressions. This new people of God is made of both Gentiles and Jews, both of whom must become part of this new people in the same way: through trusting in God’s grace. There is only one way to salvation, and that is by God’s grace as shown on the cross.

Paul gives two pairs of alternatives that reveal the fundamental human decision that must be made. Being strangers and aliens is compared to being citizens and household. Strangers and aliens are basically foreigners and do not belong. They are not part of the family. They do not get to participate in the family activities or receive any blessings or inheritance. They are “outsiders” of all the benefits of citizenship and family. Citizens and family members get to receive all the benefits.

In terms of believers, we get the benefit of fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit, the promise and hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ, and communion with one another in holy love. We should never feel along or isolated because we are part of something bigger. The saints or “holy ones” is inclusive of all who trust in Jesus for salvation and are on the path of being made holy through God’s Spirit. The “church” (1:22), as Paul will describe it in ch. 2, is both the local fellowship of believers gathered to meet in one place and the corporate and global people of God that transcends space and time. By believing in Jesus Christ, we join with other believers everywhere and form a new people who are not characterized by race, culture, economic status, or other human made barriers but are known for our faith, love, hope, and holiness.

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