Philippians 1:28 28and not being frightened in anything by opponents, which is a clear sign to them of destruction, but of your salvation, and this from God.

Paul continues to encourage the Philippians to stand strong in their faith in Jesus Christ. They should not be frightened or intimidated (ptyromenoi) by opponents (antikeimenōn). Paul is one to speak with authority on this subject since he is writing this in a situation that would certainly be intimidating to anyone. He was basically powerless about his future outcome. The Roman authorities could threaten him and even take his life, but he found strength in knowing his final outcome was to be with Christ in eternity. The Philippians could seek to have this same type of assurance about their salvation.

Paul also gives a strong warning statement about these opponents. The courage of the Philippians would actually be a sign and proof of the destruction of these opponents. Paul gives a similar warning in 3:19-20 about “enemies of the cross.” He uses this same word (apōleias) in reference to God’s judgment in Romans 9:22. This should take some pressure off of believers because we know that God is ultimately the judge and will revenge Christians who suffer from unbelievers. That the Philippians were undergoing persecution was a demonstration of their salvation. Living righteously (1:11) will bring two results: opposition from unbelievers and assurance of faith.

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