Philippians 2:5 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,

Paul repeats the word for “thinking” {phroneite) a third time in this chapter. He wants the Philippians to have a new way of thinking. This new way of thinking is identified as being in Christ Jesus. Jesus is more than an ethical model to follow. He is even much more a presence to fill and empower. The mind can be transformed through the work of the Holy Spirit. God’s grace is available, but we must respond with obedience to the Spirit. The Spirit will remind and teach us the ways of Christ and show the way of holiness to us. This new way of thinking is something the Philippians have already but must grow in it in order to have strength together to face their trials and suffering.

Paul had learned through many years of struggle that Christ was the source of his strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). His exhortation from prison was backed up with a life of demonstrated dependence upon the power of Christ through the Spirit. His words to the Philippians are more than a call to a certain standard of living. His is calling these believers to a fundamental change of character. They need to embrace what God has purposed for them. It will begin with developing a humble attitude of service. Christ is the great example of this, to which Paul next turns.

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