Colossians 1:5 5on account of the hope reserved for you in heaven, which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel

The long sentence that began in verse 3 continues. Paul uses three words in verses 4-5 that he groups elsewhere: faith, love, and hope. Verse 5 gives the reason or source of the Colossians’ faith in Christ and love for the saints. Their hope is what supports their faith and love. They hope for eternal life in heaven. This hope comes from their faith in Christ who provides eternal life. This will be a key theme later in chapters 1-2. This hope also helps them develop love for one another. Love will be a key theme in chapters 3-4. The relative clause about that which they heard points back to their hope.

Their hope came from the true word found in the gospel. The gospel planted a seed that grew to be expressed through hope, which then brought faith and love. The truth of the gospel is another important theme of this letter. One of the reasons Paul wrote this letter was to correct wrong ideas about Jesus. The Colossians were in danger of following a lie about the gospel. This could affect everything and cause them to lose out on hope. Hope is connected to the truth. Hoping in a lie will end up in disappointment. The word or teaching about the gospel must always be tested to determine if it is true.

There are many interpretations of the gospel present today. Whatever interpretation we hear must be tested by God’s revealed word. We must also do our part in learning the truth and teaching it to others. The Colossians needed some clarification about the gospel. This letter sets out the gospel in clear terms. It all begins with understanding who Jesus is. The most important information we can ever seek to learn is the person of Jesus and what he has done for humanity. Paul will devote considerable space in this letter reminding the Colossians of the essential truths of the gospel.

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