2 Peter 3:17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.

As Peter prepares to close this letter, he gives his final exhortation: “be on your guard.” His letter has served as a warning to the readers. We need warnings once in a while so that we can good decisions and avoid trouble. Peter has warned the readers about false teachers and prophets. He has written about the second coming of Jesus. In the midst of all this, the explicit and implied message has been that the readers must choose the way of godliness and holiness. The world is full of corrupt and deceit. We must be ever vigilant about our choices and what we allow to influence us. We must must conform our worldview to God’s plan in Christ through the knowledge of Christ. Simply stated, we must be ever growing in our knowledge and relationship with God. If not, we will grow weak and may be deceived. We may be “carried away by the error of the lawless and fall.” There is a danger of falling from our relationship and faith. I am curious how an ardent Calvinist would interpret this verse in light of the doctrine of eternal security. Faith can grow rock solid and secure, but it can be weekend also over time when we are not vigilant in our discipleship.

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