Hebrews 3:4 (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.)

Upon what will we will build house? Who will do the building? Those are key questions coming from the metaphor the author uses in this verse. Jesus is the builder of the house of Moses. He came prior and is superior. This is essentially saying what Paul does in Galatians 3: the promise and grace that come through Jesus are greater than the laws mediated by Moses. The law that Moses brought was a prelude that pointed to Jesus. Behind all of this is God who had a plan for salvation in mind before the world began (see Ephesians 1:4-7). We as individuals must make a decision, the same decision that stands in the background of Hebrews and is hinted at in this verse: upon what or whom will we build our lives? The readers of this epistle were tempted to turn from faith in Jesus back to their old ways of relying on the Jewish system. The author is showing that there is a better way, and they have already participated in this but have not gone all the way. That will be the topic of the rest of this chapter and the next. They must go fully in and open all the doors of their house to the house builder. He knows every nook and cranny, but they are being tempted to reject all this hope and promise. Jesus is the best way.

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